Quicksilver to the Rescue! (‘X-Men: Apocalypse’)
Quicksilver (played by Evan Peters) swoops in to save people in the famous sequence from X-Men: Days of Future Past. His quickness, incredible abilities, and lightning speed aid him in flying into position at just the appropriate moment to bring everyone to safety quickly.
We believe that Quicksilver’s abilities are frequently underappreciated in the MCU – his speed and evasive techniques would have been quite helpful in several of the previous Marvel flicks.
Brooding Cool (Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies)
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Samuel L. Jackson has played Nick Fury in over a dozen movies. He is one of the characters with the most screen time, whether as a brief role or the main character.
This candid on-location shot demonstrates just how cool Jackson is. The talented actor is recognized for playing dark, brooding, and enigmatic personalities. He can’t appear uninterested!