Chicken Soup for the Soul
There is a Chicken Soup for the Soul for any type of person. You are surely able to Google “Chicken Soup for the Soul†and happen upon a book that will inspire you to purchase it and then read it from cover to back as soon as you possibly can. These books are inspirational and can help guide you towards seeing life in a different way. The heartfelt personal stories people have shared within these books from all over the world can truly inspire you to be a mom influence.
Chicken Soup for the Soul – New Moms
If you are in this whole new world of a raising a child for the first time, perhaps you would likely pick up Chicken Soup for the Soul – New Moms – 101 Inspirational Stories of Joy, Love and Wonder. As a new mom influence you are exhausted from sleepless nights and you wonder when you will ever see the light of day as joyful again. There are joyous moments as a new mom, but the newborn stage of motherhood can leave you wondering why on Earth you choose to have a child. Let Chicken Soup for the Soul – New Moms inspire you to find light within the life you lead right now.
Chicken Soup for Every Moms Soul
Perhaps you have been raising children forever, they are now grown and you have become a grandmother. Remember, a grandmother is also a mom influence but in a different way. Chicken Soup for Every Moms Soul is full of stories and love from moms of all ages. Surely you will pick this up and relate to a majority of the stories regardless of your age. Even though motherhood has changed over the years, in that we currently have a tech side to deal with, you will find assurance that you are doing something right as you read stories from new moms to seasoned mothers in this book.
Chicken Soup for the Soul – Stay-At-Home Moms
If you are a work from home or stay at home mom then you must pick up Chicken Soup for the Soul – Stay-At-Home Moms 101 Inspirational stories for moms about Hard Work and Happy Families. This book is full of stories from famous mothers to your every day stay at home and work at home moms. You will surely need to sit down with a cup of tea, amidst the chaos you call home and read a few stories each day. Much like the single mom influence, stay at home and work at home moms play a huge role in mom influence for their children. Dive into these stories with an open mind and open heart as you start to realize you are not alone in your feelings and struggles being a mom who is home full time.
Use Chicken Soup for the Soul
Pick up a copy of one of these Chicken Soup for the Soul books today, start with one and move onto more. Trust that you will find inspiration, relatable stories and a new found view of motherhood after you read each of these books.