When I first became a mother, working from home really wasn’t anything I had heard of before. It was the year 2002 when I first became a mother and after a breakup, I had to figure out how to support a daughter without a job. You see, the plan was I would be a stay at home mom but that didn’t pan out. I found myself single, living in a subsidized housing unit and on state assistance. The only option I could think of in early 2003, was to get a job!
Ultimately I got a job and my daughter had some wonderful babysitters. Life was decent, I could eventually move out of that unit into a real apartment within one year and I felt great. Life was pretty easy with one child. Then it happened, pregnant with a second child and sick quite often I had to figure out what to do. I wanted a way to work because I truly enjoy making money, but I also needed to think about how sick I was with pregnancy nausea. Finding that I was unable to be a reliable worker, I gave notice to leave my awesome office job and stay home. At this point I had heard of working at home, it was the year 2006.
Many parents will tell me in passing that they wish they could work from home too. I always tell them that they can and sometimes I guide people in that direction through consultations. Overall I simply write blog posts to help parents make the best decision for their household. If you are thinking about working at home, there are some reasons why you may make that decision.

Why Choose to Work at Home?
- Set your Own Hours – as a new parent it’s difficult to maintain a schedule outside of the home, as I stated I was sick with my second pregnancy which made me call out of work often or be late. I didn’t feel reliable and in turn I needed to find a different option to make money. Working at home means you can work from the laptop in bed sick, at your office desk in your pajamas with a baby in your arms. You can work when your baby or child is sleeping and once you have established clients, you can easily make cash around taking care of your child.
- Never Miss a Milestone – as a work at home parent you won’t miss that first word, that first step or even that first run. You are able to manage being a parent and helping to financially support the household. I firmly believe working at home is what helped me keep a deeper bond with my children, for I was always there when they needed to talk. I wasn’t exhausted from a long work day, rushing home to get that end of night routine done. It felt right for my household to work from home.
- You have an Entrepreneurial Spirit – you have always wanted to have a business, perhaps you have always dreamed of running a family owned business. When you work at home you can easily become a success story. It’s easy to work at home when you have that entrepreneurial spirit because you will be passionate about this and naturally find a way to make money to support the household. While you may not need to have an entrepreneurial spirit, it helps to keep you motivated and passionate about working at home.
- You Parent Your Child(ren) – when you make the decision to work at home there is less of a chance that you will have children influenced by outsiders. Often times parents get frustrated with the examples and morals taught to them simply by having the children in a daycare scenario. When you work at home, you get the be the main example to your children for a longer period of time than if you worked outside of the home and sent your children to a babysitter.
Working at home is a big decision and you shouldn’t go into it lightly. In all honesty it will take a lot of hard work to establish your online brand, presence and reputation. Some will go into working at home and immediately gain tons of clients while others have to work a bit harder at it. There’s no telling how successful you will be or not be, but if you truly want to work at home then you will find a way and be successful doing it!