Finding out you’re having twins can be quite the shock. The thought of welcoming one new baby into the world can be overwhelming enough, but two! Well it can certainly feel daunting. So this article is all about helping you understand what you can expect when you are expecting twins and how to prepare for it.
Common Concerns
Firstly it is totally natural to be left reeling from the news that you are going to be looking after not one, but two tiny babies. With time the news sinks in and the reality of your situation begins to feel very exciting but there are very common worries that all pregnant women, with twins, worry about. The main worry tends to be about complications with the birth, which again, is a totally natural fear to have. However statistically, women giving birth to women is a very healthy category and most mums give birth to twins without any major problems.
Depression is also a concern for women who are pregnant with twins, for a couple of reasons. Firstly women who are pregnant with twins are more likely to put on extra weight than women who are pregnant with one baby. Changing bodies are a concern for most pregnant women, but women expecting two generally tend to take on the worry that they will have twice as much weight to lose after giving birth.
Statistically women who got pregnant with twins, from aided conception, like IVF are less likely to suffer from depression than women who got pregnant unexpectedly. As expecting more than one child can increase your chances of depression you will want to see your doctor regularly so that he or she can can monitor both how you are feeling both physically and emotionally.
Getting Prepared
You will certainly want to have everything in place so that when the little ones arrive you have everything ready and you are prepared. Some things can either be passed down from previous children, or from friends, but some items you are going to need to buy specifically for twins.
Double strollers for example, are an essential item so you are going to need to look for the best models to transport your new arrivals around in. If you are unsure, check out some online reviews for some of the tops models, You will need two cribs and a double portable baby stroller and you will need to invest in car seats for when you need to get around.
Car seats for twins can also be a bit of a minefield when it comes to choosing the best models, so again jump online to read reviews by mums who have tried and tested the best models on their markets for their twins,
Having twins certainly entails a lot of planning and a lot of pre-preparation.
So make sure you are investing in the most important items, that are going to make your life, as a new mum, as easy as possible. Twins can be expensive, so ask around for second hand items that you can use, like clothes, bath products, toys and baby monitors.
If you have already had children then you will already have many items at the ready that you can pass down to your new little ones. However, is these are your first babies then you will need to make sure you are fully stocked up. It can certainly feel overwhelming when thinking about all the items that you need. So make sure you are talking to other mothers and people that you know who have had babies so that they can help guide you to build up all the essentials so that you are completely prepared for this much anticipated arrival.