Raising teenagers can be one of the most fun experiences of your life if you do it right! Today we are featuring some hacks to help you bond with your teen. These hacks are easy ways for parents to connect with their teens, without a huge fight!
Schedule a Weekly Date
Your teen is only going to be living under your roof for so long, so try to schedule a weekly date. This weekly date will involve spending quality time together doing something that your teen enjoys. You can make this a dinner date, a video game playing date, or anything else that makes sense in your family.
Eat Dinner Together
Make a rule that everyone must eat dinner, or at least one meal per day, together. This means that your family will have to communicate their schedule with each other so that you can determine which meal is going to be the one daily that you enjoy together as a family unit.
Ask About Their Day
Another simple hack to bonding with your teen is to just ask about their day. Ask your teen what is going on in their life and listen to them. Be the ear to listen, shoulder to cry on, and only lend advice if your teen is directly asking for advice. Refrain from making anything your ten says into a life lesson during this time or lecturing them!
Do Work Together
Maybe you work from home and your teen is studying for a big test or has an upcoming project due. Try to work together whenever possible. This means you’re doing your work and your teen is doing theirs but in the same room. You can accomplish this by having one room designated for office work and homework, such as a homework room or office that’s shared by the entire family.
Let Your Teen Cook
Another unique way to bond with your teen is to let your teen cook. This is a fabulous way to help your teen solidify their cooking skills all the while getting a night off from cooking. You can sit in the kitchen and chat with your teen as they cook one meal per week for the family.
There you have it, some simple hacks to bond with your teen. We hope that this information has helped give you some ideas on how you can connect with your teen so that both of you feel more united as a family.