Try not to Make Your Mother Mad.
This list shows how little our culture values mothers, and it also shows how that value is shown here. Most of the time, they are shown as weak and fragile beings whose only purpose in life is to serve us and clean our homes. It’s safe to say that no child, especially one whose parents are serious about him becoming a professional powerlifter or bodybuilder, would ever think that his mother could beat him in an arm-wrestling competition. This is especially true for kids whose parents take their own education seriously.
This young woman was brave enough to play arm wrestling with her mother, but when she saw how her mother did, she was in for a rude awakening. She might have thought that this would give her a huge boost of confidence, but she ended up coming in second place, behind her 54-year-old mother. This was a very big letdown for her. Go, mom! You have to show them how important you are to them.