Occasionally, you come across an image that makes you recoil in annoyance, fume in frustration, or straight-up say out loud, “WHY?!” While these images might not have a long-lasting impact on your day, they can certainly ruin the moment for you, and they definitely caused the people who took the pictures some pain. In the spirit of a burden born together being more manageable, we’ve collected 30 of the most infuriating images from across the internet to peruse, dissect, and, most importantly, complain about. Let’s explore the deplorable.
#1: You Took the Best Part
Everyone plays the game with the intent to win. Splitting an Oreo is hard enough to do right—getting all the cream on one side and nothing but clean cookies on the other is an art—so when this unlucky person got a near-perfect pull, they must have been excited… until they saw the hole in the middle.
Why is that even there?! Anyone who’s watched those “How They Make It” shows knows the cream is piped onto Oreos in solid chunks. Was it just a weird air bubble that got stuck somehow? How would that even make sense? Whatever happened, it’s pretty annoying.