12. The Beavers Had Beef With Nickelodeon
If you’ve ever wondered why Angry Beavers has its share of adult moments, it’s because creator Mitch Schauer used to work on The Ren & Stimpy Show or Rocko’s Modern Life before Dag and Norbert were drawn to life. Unfortunately, that past experience didn’t make working with Nickelodeon any easier, and there was constant tension in the studios between staff and the network.

The animators felt stifled by Nickelodeon’s nonsensical rules. For example, the characters weren’t allowed to say “shut up” despite a four-letter word for “poop” appearing in The Ren & Stimpy Show, and they were forbidden from using non-gender-conforming attire. In other words, no drag. Nickelodeon also nixed the plot of the final episode because they didn’t want viewers watching Dag and Norb realize they’re canceled cartoons.