As your child goes through school, there will be times where they sit over their workbooks or homework at the dinner table or in their room looking stumped. During this, you want to give them a hand and help them as much as possible. However, you might be reluctant to help too much as you don’t want to end up doing the work for … [Read more...] about Helping Your Kids Without Doing The Work for Them
mom influence
Four Areas That Could Really Boost Your Year Right Now
New year can be a real anticlimax at times. So many of us put so much focus on making changes that often we can expect too many things of ourselves and we end up failing at the first hurdle. However, it can also be an ideal time to make some of the changes in regards to your foundation, which can then be built upon as the year goes on. We all have big aspirations. Perhaps to … [Read more...] about Four Areas That Could Really Boost Your Year Right Now
Dealing With Death: What To Do When A Family Member Passes Away
(Image via: Death is one of the only constants in life, this is both sad and true. We don’t like thinking about it, we don’t like talking about it, and this inevitably leads to us struggling to cope with it. When a family member dies, it will be heartbreaking for everyone. But, it’s even worse when you’re totally unprepared for everything that … [Read more...] about Dealing With Death: What To Do When A Family Member Passes Away
Family Fun Activities to Get Kids Outdoors
Image credit Parenting, like most things in life, is all a matter of balance. While it's not right to demonise use of technology- there can be some apparent developmental gains to be made in letting children use technology- so time spent on the iPad needs to be balanced out. Encouraging our kids to get outdoors and make the most of the world around them is a journey, and … [Read more...] about Family Fun Activities to Get Kids Outdoors
Tech Hobbies To Encourage In Your Kids Technology gets a lot of stick when it comes to its relationship with your kids. OK, so sure, there are some bad points to consider, but if you are a Luddite in these modern times, I’m afraid to say there’s no doubt your children are missing out. Technology gives them a whole bunch of fantastic opportunities, which you or I may not have had when we were kids. Let’s … [Read more...] about Tech Hobbies To Encourage In Your Kids
The Importance Of Protecting Your Home From The Elements
Pexels What is the reason you own a home for? Is it to provide loving experiences, shared by all your family members? Is it so you have a place to house all of your belongings? Is it so you have a place to lay your head at night, so you can comfortably sleep and begin the next day refreshed? Or, is it to protect yourself as a shelter from the elements outside? Of course, … [Read more...] about The Importance Of Protecting Your Home From The Elements
10 Back to School Themed Projects & Free Printables
That time of year is creeping up on us. Some children have already returned to school, the craziness! We have about a month left of summer and plan to enjoy it to the fullest. With that being said, about two weeks before the start of school we do try to get back into the school routine of earlier bedtimes and no electronics in the later hours, etc. I happened upon some fun … [Read more...] about 10 Back to School Themed Projects & Free Printables
Should You Let Your Kids Choose Their Own Clothes?
Every parent has had an argument with their kids about their clothes. There are always going to be clashes because young children don’t always have practicality in mind. They’ll also want you to buy them expensive designer clothes but when they come home covered in mud after a week, it’s not sustainable. While you shouldn’t be letting them do whatever they like, giving them a … [Read more...] about Should You Let Your Kids Choose Their Own Clothes?
The 3 Pillars Of Healthy Development
Credit All parents are likely to agree that ensuring your children are raised as well as possible is vital for their adulthood. You want your children to develop in a way which is healthy and happy, and you need to know how you can ensure that that is all the more likely. As it happens, it’s pretty straightforward to do, as long as you follow some essential rules for doing so. … [Read more...] about The 3 Pillars Of Healthy Development
Grandparenting in a Camper
We grandparents have the spoiling vs guiding thing down. We can balance jumping in with standing back and letting the parent handle things We can pull something out of our proverbial hats that will entertain for just the right amount of time with little mess…but can we take the show on the road? Last week, we accepted the challenge of keeping four adults … [Read more...] about Grandparenting in a Camper
Life Skills Every Child Needs to Learn
Life skills are something we as parents need to take the time to teach our children! I have created a list of life skill that we need to teach them as they grow up and hit the appropriate ages to learn. Life skills are tools your child needs to know to be successful in life, they don't teach all of these skills at school! Some of the skills is knowing how to do laundry, … [Read more...] about Life Skills Every Child Needs to Learn
Safety First: How To Protect Kids At Play Time
Credit Everyone is unique, but if there is one thing kids have in common it’s their desire to play. Whether it is on the internet or outside, they love to get stuck into a long, hard session. For parents, this is a godsend because keeping your kids active is one of the major parts of being a mom or dad. However, there is a problem: their safety. Unfortunately, play time isn’t … [Read more...] about Safety First: How To Protect Kids At Play Time
Teaching Your Child About the Value of Money
Having children can be extremely expensive. In fact, it’s estimated that in the United States, the cost of raising a child till they are 17 is roughly $233,610. If that number isn’t enough to make you reconsider, then perhaps the sleepless nights, diaper changing and crying will make you think twice about having kids. However, it goes without saying that the parents that stick … [Read more...] about Teaching Your Child About the Value of Money
Strategies to Encourage Your Child to Confide in You
We all might fear the day our teens or tweens might not confide in us when things are going wrong in their life, or they are struggling. Some kids always talk to their parents, and have a very open relationship, while others distance themselves. I want to do my very best that my children will have confidence in my relationship with them, that they can trust that no matter … [Read more...] about Strategies to Encourage Your Child to Confide in You
6 Commitments of A Great Parent
When you take on having a child, your life gets put on the back burner. It is our duty as parents to raise our child the best way possible, to prepare them for the world! Parents sometimes sacrifice their own time, so you can spend it helping and teaching, and loving your little one! Below are commitments of great parents. These commitments are a choice, and you can choose to … [Read more...] about 6 Commitments of A Great Parent
Why Choose to Work at Home?
When I first became a mother, working from home really wasn’t anything I had heard of before. It was the year 2002 when I first became a mother and after a breakup, I had to figure out how to support a daughter without a job. You see, the plan was I would be a stay at home mom but that didn’t pan out. I found myself single, living in a subsidized housing unit and on state … [Read more...] about Why Choose to Work at Home?
Name Yourself!
Think of who you want to be in the future; what you want to convey to those who meet you, and how you want to see yourself as you age, or fight aging.  What if you had the chance to reinvent yourself while still maintaining the essence of “you?â€Â Well congratulations! When you hear you are going to become a … [Read more...] about Name Yourself!
Whаt tо Exресt in the Second Trіmеѕtеr of Prеgnаnсу
Aftеr bаttlÑ–ng mоrnÑ–ng Ñ•Ñ–Ñknеѕѕ аnd Ñ•urgÑ–ng hormones fоr three mоnthÑ•, уоu mау ѕооn … [Read more...] about Whаt tо Exресt in the Second Trіmеѕtеr of Prеgnаnсу
How To Teach Children To Be Kind
Kindness is one of the important qualities to foster in children. There is no obvious way in teaching your kids how to imbibe kindness. It's not as easy as teaching them the letters of the alphabets or how to make their beds. Kindness as a quality comes easily to some children. Children already have a great capacity to be compassionate, but with all the pain and wickedness … [Read more...] about How To Teach Children To Be Kind
Dealing With Unplanned Pregnancy
For most pregnancy and childbirth is a joyous event, as they have planned for it, coveted the thoughts of having children and are sure that this is what they want in life and this is something they can afford at a certain stage. However, there are times when pregnancy comes unexpectedly. Despite all the measures one might be taking to prevent it, pregnancy is still possible. … [Read more...] about Dealing With Unplanned Pregnancy
I Saw, I Fell!
Do you believe in love at first sight? I did as an emotional teenager. I watched old Hollywood musicals on TV, read Wuthering Heights with a tear-streamed face, and knew the words to every sappy song on the radio. Then I didn’t. We understand a little more about love as we get older, and as we realize that songs, books and … [Read more...] about I Saw, I Fell!
Different Ways to Teaching Siblings to Get Along
Teaching siblings to get along can take some time, but with a few tips and tricks you can achieve this goal! Sibling rivalry is a real thing, and sometimes it is very hard for children to see eye to eye. Nothing beats growing up and your sister or brother becoming your best friend. Someone you can count on and trust fully! Below are ways to help teach your children that they … [Read more...] about Different Ways to Teaching Siblings to Get Along
Things I wish I had Taught my Daughter
As I get further into the life of raising a teenager, there is a lot of things that come to mind. For instance, while I feel I raised her pretty darn well and so far she has a great head on her shoulders and doesn’t fall prey to peer pressure, there are some things I wish I had taught her. I covered the basics like using your manners, folding laundry, washing dishes, being a … [Read more...] about Things I wish I had Taught my Daughter
Are you the Parental Type?
One thing I have learned since becoming a parent is that your mood, your actions and your way of life will determine how your kids behave, think and respond from a young age. Being a parent is one of the most selfless jobs one will ever hold but it’s not for everyone. I think some people are in love with the idea of becoming a parent. They see it as they will do better than … [Read more...] about Are you the Parental Type?
Clever Ways to Use Kool Aid Around the Home
Who knew that little pack of Kool Aid sitting in your cupboard could be used for more than a sugary drink! Sit back, and keep reading to find all the clever ways you can use Kool Aid around your home! From cleaning your dishwasher to testing for leaks in a toilet, you will be amazed at all the clever ways to use Kool Aid! Clever Ways to Use Kool Aid Dishwasher: Put … [Read more...] about Clever Ways to Use Kool Aid Around the Home
Spoil Mom with Breakfast in Bed this Mother’s Day
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day and with it comes the need to have some ideas to celebrate the special Mom in your life. If your partner or kids need a little nudge this year, then share these fabulous recipes with them for a little breakfast in bed for Mom on Sunday! The brand sent me over some Viki's Granola, Gaea, and Carrington Farms supplies to help facilitate … [Read more...] about Spoil Mom with Breakfast in Bed this Mother’s Day
5 Ways to Deal with Toddler Tantrums
If you have a child, you might have experienced your toddler throwing a tantrum once or twice. It can be absolutely humiliating when you are out in public, but sadly it is a part of their growth. Between the ages of 1 to 4, children are still trying to learn the concept of coping skills. So instead of assessing and working through a situation they just have a meltdown instead. … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Deal with Toddler Tantrums
From Kool-Aid Mom to Cookie Grandma…Or Not
You know those feelings you get as a parent when you are walking on egg shells, second guessing yourself about decisions, feeling guilty about doing too little? Or is it too much? Am I doing it right? Am I at least acting like I know what I’m doing? Am I being too much me and not enough a parent, or am I being too much a parent and not enough me? Add 20 hormone-starved pounds, … [Read more...] about From Kool-Aid Mom to Cookie Grandma…Or Not
50 Outdoor Activities to Get Your Kids Active this Summer
School will be letting out soon and with that comes summer break! Instead of letting your kids sit around inside all day, and repeat how bored they are, consider some of these awesome outdoor activities to get your kids active this summer! With these 50 fun outdoor activities it will give your children some ways to burn off energy, make fun memories and just enjoy the … [Read more...] about 50 Outdoor Activities to Get Your Kids Active this Summer
10 Products to Help Kids Focus
With the stress of standardized testing and a fast paced educational environment in our schools, it is no wonder more kids are exhibiting signs of ADHD and anxiety. There are less exercise times, such as recess being slowly taken away from the elementary children who need that mid-day break to release energy. The pressure is on for kids, parents and teachers to figure out how … [Read more...] about 10 Products to Help Kids Focus
Parenting is all About Instincts
I am on a kick this week writing about gut instincts, seriously head on over to to read more on dreams and instincts this week. With that being said, I wanted to take a moment to write about parenting and how it is all about instincts. You see, we can read all of the parenting books out there; we can listen to the advice of our elders. We can go on and on trying … [Read more...] about Parenting is all About Instincts
Autism Awareness #LightItUpBlue for Understanding and Acceptance
I recently shared a bit about my autism story with my middle child. Diagnosed High Functioning Autistic about 3 years ago or so, it was a new learning experience. With that being said, finally having the diagnosis that now is pretty much Asperger's helped us to better raise our son. Now when others want to look at him odd or make faces because he isn’t as social as one would … [Read more...] about Autism Awareness #LightItUpBlue for Understanding and Acceptance
5 Reasons Grandparents Matter
It has been proven years and years past that one thing remain trues, the emotional connection between child and grandparent comes in second only to the attachment the child has with their parents. These days it’s not uncommon to see grandparents raising grandchildren, but there’s something more to be said about why grandparents matter. Grandparents are not here to raise more … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Grandparents Matter
Co-Parenting Tips: How to Handle Opposite Rules in Other Parent’s Home
I have been co-parenting for about 14 years. With this experience of co-parenting have come some challenges, struggles and personal growth. You see, co-parenting isn’t easy by any means and when you co-parent with someone who is completely the opposite of you, it’s quite frustrating to say the least. I have been co-parenting my sons for about a handful of years but I took what … [Read more...] about Co-Parenting Tips: How to Handle Opposite Rules in Other Parent’s Home
3 Ways to Prepare your Child for College Life
There are many tips for your child in high school about college. Guidance counselors work hard to prepare your child academically for college. It’s wonderful that so many high schools now have programs, counselors and resources available for your child to prepare for college. With that being said, there’s more to college life than academics. Have you thought about how you will … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Prepare your Child for College Life
How to Get your Kids to Do Homework
Many parents struggle with homework time. It seems kids are being sent home with an abundant supply of homework and it’s stressful. Not only is the increase in amount of homework stressful for the kids, it can be completely quite cumbersome for parents too. If you are struggling with how to get your kids to do homework, then read on for some tips on how to get your kids to do … [Read more...] about How to Get your Kids to Do Homework
Help! My Kids Won’t Stop Arguing and Tattling on Each Other
Raising more than one child brings along the issue of sibling rivalry. For some reason my sons have more sibling rivalry in ways like my sis and I did growing up. One worries and tattles on the other. It’s like this never ending battle between sons and when it comes to boys, it can get downright physical between the two. One concept we have been really … [Read more...] about Help! My Kids Won’t Stop Arguing and Tattling on Each Other
Monday Mom Rambles from Mama Bee
Being a parent is the most emotional roller coaster ride I have ever been on. It’s like you love your children even when you should dislike them very much. You get ever so frustrated with them but still you find empathy and love for them. As a mom I have learned to develop patience at a level I never knew existed. I take my job as a mom very serious, well … [Read more...] about Monday Mom Rambles from Mama Bee
Being a Parent isn’t for The Thin Skinned
I admit that I am a sensitive person, I can easily have my feelings hurt and be caught crying in the bathroom alone. While I may be a sensitive person emotionally, as a parent I have quickly learned that you must have thick skin. I went into this parenting gig knowing that there would be days my kids may not “like me” or may think I am the evil Queen of the land. When you … [Read more...] about Being a Parent isn’t for The Thin Skinned
3 Tips for Shopping with Kids
The joys of shopping with kids, it’s such a wonderful experience! The kids walk behind you in two, happy to be bored for the next couple hours as you shop for whatever it is that you need. Oh wait, this only happens in dreamland or occasionally when the kids want something … here in the real world kids aren’t so fun to shop with all of the time. Today I am going to share a few … [Read more...] about 3 Tips for Shopping with Kids