Look, we get it; translation is a tricky business. There are so many words, emotions, and turns of phrase that don’t carry over between languages. While this is unfortunate, it also makes for some pretty amusing (and amazing) signage. All it takes is a missing letter or a misplaced word to create something truly unhinged and confusing. We’ve gathered the most hilarious and confusing signs that people have found. Buckle up because it’s going to be a bumpy, confusing ride.
#1: The Zombies Have Taken Over
In case you aren’t familiar, Reddit contains a wealth of information on almost any topic. It’s also a place where people post some pretty wild, incoherent stuff. This person posted a question regarding the popular video game Project Zomboid.” Pretty normal, right? Well, no one knew what the heck he was asking.

We’ve read this question so many times. It still doesn’t make sense. No one else on Reddit understood it, either. Someone suggested that the OP should solve their problem by checking their carbon monoxide detector, implying that the OP was off their rocker. Rude? Kind of. But it’s also accurate.