We all use the internet to look at funny cat videos or waste time on memes. Wait until you see these photos. The first time you see them will surely confuse you, but please, take your time and take a second glance. Once you see it, you will ask yourself, “why?” Here are the best photos spread across the internet that needs to be seen a second time to understand.
Sleepy Cat
Here is an image of a car. Not surprising at all. All we know is it’s in a garage, there are two windows in the back, there’s a bike next to the car, and also this place has a few cabinets making the garage look more like a kitchen. But there is something hidden in this photo.
There’s a sleeping cat. And that cat is someplace that looks comfy. Do you see it? The cat is on the tire taking their sweet time, resting on the car. You don’t need to question it, but a car tire might be more comfortable than an actual bed. Maybe we should try to rest on a wheel once in our lives.