45 Design Fails That Prove Not Every Idea is a Good One
How would you feel about sleeping in a feet-shaped bed? What about drinking from a snot-like mug? We all come up with questionable ideas from time to time for things we feel could be a great success. That doesn’t mean…
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35 Times the Universe Was Looking Out For These Lucky People
Photography is an incredible way to share your vision of the world. Thanks to our phones, it’s also a really fun activity that anyone can do nowadays. With everyone walking around with a high-quality camera in their pocket these days,…
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35 Annoying Times People Paid for One Thing and Got Something Else
Sometimes, we build things up in our minds to be so amazing that the real deal can’t live up to our expectations. Sometimes, we have things built up for us and are wildly disappointed when they aren’t all they’re cracked…
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42 Halloween Snacks That Are Just Spooky Enough to Put You in the Holiday Spirit
Halloween is the time when we all let our freak fly just a little bit, and what better way to do that than to create cute and scary treats to eat? Personally, I prefer my food to be shockingly delicious,…
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40 Photos of People Being Weird on Public Transport That Prove Nothing Is That Serious
If you take public transportation to and from work every day, you know that you can find a strange crowd on the subway. There’s just something about the subway or the bus that attracts the strangest folks out there, from…
47 House Designs That Prove Some People Aren’t Cut Out to Be Architects
We all have different tastes when it comes to design, but you’d be amazed at what some people come up with. People do some pretty wild things with their homes, which can be thoroughly entertaining once they try to sell…
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40 Scary, Hilarious, and Creative Carved Pumpkins People Thought Up and Executed to Perfection
Some people call it Halloween, others call it Pumpkin Carving Season! Come Fall, some people start planning their Halloween costumes, and others start planning their carved pumpkins… Jack-O-Lanterns are so 2019. It seems like every year, people up their game…
46 Photos of Bad Days That Made People Want to Give Up and Just Lay Low
The choices you make every day are usually conscious decisions that you have control over. However, no matter how hard you try to make the right decisions, life tends to get in the way. Some things are out of our…
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47 Examples of Impossible Coworkers That Give Us Secondhand Rage
Work can be a total drag. That’s why getting along with your coworkers is so important; job satisfaction increases when people genuinely enjoy working with their colleagues. This seems like common sense, right? Working among people you find pleasant makes…
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46 Boomer Things That Have Slowly Disappeared from Our Lives
People love to say that the only constant in this world is change, and that may be true. We all get nostalgic occasionally and long for “the good old days” when things were simpler. Like it or not, some things…
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35 Time When People Dealt With Insignificant Yet Frustrating Things in Everyday Life
Occasionally, you come across an image that makes you recoil in annoyance, fume in frustration, or straight-up say out loud, “WHY?!” While these images might not have a long-lasting impact on your day, they can certainly ruin the moment for…
50 Mind-Blowing Things People Are Surprised to Only Have Learned Recently
Have you ever wondered why eggplants are called eggplants or why they tell you to break a leg when you’re interviewing for an important job? We take those things for granted and never stop to think about the origin of…
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45 Design Choices That Are Basically Uncleanable
Have you ever seen a piece of furniture or item that looked cool and unique but seemed like a real pain to clean? The Facebook group “Things designed by people who don’t have to clean them” is dedicated to just…
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48 Photographs That Captured Important Historical Moments
Certain historical moments are captured and frozen for generations to see and learn from. We’re all familiar with these photos—some depict joyful, important, or heartbreaking moments, but all are equally iconic. But the story behind each one of these photographs…
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48 Far-Fetched Conspiracy Theories People Believe to Be True
People love conspiracy theories. However, it’s crucial to maintain healthy skepticism and critical thinking when we come across them. After all, anyone can say just about anything on the Internet. With that being said, we collected some of the wildest, funniest,…
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45 Times People Came Across Interesting Doors and Had to Take a Picture
I bet you hardly ever notice the doors that you go through. Doors are such a ubiquitous part of our lives—something that we see every single day—that most of us hardly notice them anymore. But on the other hand, there’s…
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48Wild Designs We Can’t Explain, and Not for a Lack of Trying
These days, any average Joe with access to Photoshop thinks they can become a designer. While it’s true that new technologies make it easier for all of us to try our hands at design, there’s still a reason why people…
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42 Things People Learned Way Too Late in Life
Hindsight is 20/20, right? Sometimes, things become painfully clear only as we look back at our lives. Maybe it’s our increased maturity and wisdom that opens our eyes to things that should have been obvious, or perhaps we weren’t that…
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45 Times People Spotted Questionable Car Mods on the Road That Made Them Stop Short
People care a lot about their cars; sometimes, they want to modify them and give them a personal touch. While I’m sure some people will disagree with me on a few, the recent trend of car modifications has gotten out…
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47 Examples of When Coworkers Let Their Boredom Take Control in the Workplace
Working in a real office is generally a far cry from the fun office environment often depicted on TV. No Michael Scott to embarrass himself and you. No Jim Halpert to orchestrate ludicrous office pranks. Mostly, office life means rows…
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45 Times the HOA Reached Peak Crazy With Rules and Regulations
Homeowner associations are organizations that enforce the rules and regulations of a planned community, apartment complex, or tract home development. Typically, members of these communities are required to pay a monthly HOA fee for expenses and amenities. HOAs are supposed to…
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48 Times These Unnecessary Inventions Made Us Laugh Out Loud
The internet is a great place filled with so many useless things that we somehow find relevant to read, watch, and buy. That’s where Matty Benedetto comes into the picture. The man behind Unnecessary Inventions has taken the internet by…
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73 Maps That Show the United States in a Different Way
There’s no denying the United States has a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. Each state has a unique identity and community, from New York City’s metropolises to Montana’s serene landscapes. People vary widely in their beliefs, customs, and…
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50 Times People Unleashed Their Creativity With These Harmless Acts of Vandalism
Graffiti often comes with a negative connotation, and maybe rightfully so. But sometimes, you come across a piece of graffiti that’s just pure artistic genius and overall harmless. Here, we’ve rounded up examples of some truly entertaining and clever graffiti…
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52 Photos That Answer Different Questions Nobody Actually Asked, But We’re Happy to Know
There was a time in human history when we depended on mythology to explain the ways of the world. But with so much advancement in the scientific community over the last several centuries, we have clearer answers to all of…
50 Times People Came Across Clever Designs of Everyday Things That Had to Be Documented
Great design can fuel and inspire people, companies, and social movements. When you see one, you can instantly recognize a good design, but what makes a design great rather than just good? If you ask us, a design must serve…
50 Hilarious Times Cartoons and Animated TV Shows Tested Us With Their Strange Logic
No matter your favorite cartoon, they were an inseparable part of our childhood that improved life. The thing with cartoons is that only as you get older do you realize that not everything in these TV shows makes sense. That’s…
48 Often-Ignored Pieces of Advice That Are Actually Gold
We always seem to be seeking advice in life, whether about relationships, work, or anything else. But do we actually follow the advice we receive? Usually not. We take for granted all of the wise words we grow up hearing…
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60 Moments When People Experienced Incredible Luck
We’ve all been there – we had moments of incredible, sometimes incredulous, luck. Lucky moments that are humorous or heartfelt to the point of tears. We just felt like the luckiest people in the world. In our age of technology…
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48 Fascinating Truths Behind the Most Common Myths Out There
We all know you’re not supposed to go swimming after a big meal or that we only use ten percent of our brains, right? It’s common knowledge, after all, right? Well, maybe not. There are plenty of myths out there…
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45 Hilarious Spelling Mistakes and Typos People Came Across That Don’t Make Any Sense
Look, we get it; translation is a tricky business. There are so many words, emotions, and turns of phrase that don’t carry over between languages. While this is unfortunate, it also makes for some pretty amusing (and amazing) signage. All it takes…
40 Outdated Social Constructs Baby Boomers Still Believe In
We have all had the experience of telling someone from an older generation that their opinions are outdated and irrelevant to modern times. Sure, not all of their views are ridiculous, but boomers are some of the most stubborn people.…
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40 Maps, Graphs, and Charts We Wish We Were Taught in School
There are many things we don’t know about the world, our society, and even our bodies and minds. Sometimes, it feels like there’s too much information out there, and we’ll never be able to know everything. While that’s true, and…
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40 Shamelessly Hilarious Posts of Things That Are Obviously Not True and Clearly Didn’t Happen
Guys, I have bad news for you: people lie on the Internet. It’s unbelievable, right? When faced with an environment that allows them to say anything, some people give in to the temptation to lie to win an argument, get…
54 Surprising Statistics That Reveal the Many Layers of the American People
Have you ever wondered what makes America the unique country it is? Aside from its diverse culture, beautiful landscapes and abundance, there some eye-popping and intriguing statistics that make this country stand out. We’re here today to examine some of…
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45 Surprisingly Real Stories From WWII That You Probably Haven’t Heard Before
WWII was the most famous conflict in modern history, shaking the world to its core. We still feel the shockwaves of that time when the world was at each other’s throats. We all know the basics in some form, but…
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39 Designs That Demonstrate Just How Ahead of the Curb South Korea is
Every now and then, when the US makes a decision worth seventeen facepalm emojis, my friends and I get together and daydream about where we should move. We’ve discussed Jamaica, Costa Rica, Japan, and many more. Everyone has to agree…
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47 Amusing Photos That Show What Life is Like in Canada
What do you think of when you think of Canada? Maple syrup? Check. More politeness than you can ever handle? Check. Sentences ending with “eh”? That’s right. Extra-friendly cops? Yep. Moose problems that need immediate attention? We’re not even making…
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65 Things That Might Seem Weird But Are Technically True
Pointing out the obvious can sometimes feel like a weird social experiment. If something is so obvious, why do we even need to bring it up? But there is something about bringing to people’s attention the painfully obvious that makes…
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Comic Artist Dragonarte Envisions the Everyday Lives of Beloved Superheroes Off-Duty
If you’re anything like us, you might be curious about what the Justice League and the Avengers are up to right now. Well, get ready for a treat because we’re introducing you to Lucas Nascimento, also known as Dragonarte. This…
48 Dad Jokes That Are Actually Pretty Funny and Could Make You Giggle
Dads and their jokes – it’s a combination as old as time. Whether it’s a clever pun or a groan-inducing one-liner, there’s something about dad jokes that never gets old. To celebrate all dads out there and their corny jokes,…
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45 Things People Should Know Before Buying Their First House
When spending large amounts of money – not to say all of your money – people want to ensure they know what they are getting into. When buying a house, you want to ensure it will stand the test of…
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52 Easily Avoidable Mistakes People Make When Baking And How to Avoid Them
Sure, baking is a fun and relaxing activity, but at the same time, mastering the art of baking can take years. Most people seem to forget that baking is a science and requires patience, expertise, and a willingness to learn.…
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25 Rarely Seen Photos That Make Us See WWII Differently
World War II, which occurred between 1939 and 1945, eclipsed all other historical conflicts regarding its scale and atrocity. It claimed millions of lives, leaving a permanent mark on American and global history. While many of us have seen the…
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40 Things People from Around the World Love Most About the US and American Culture
Let’s be honest; it sometimes feels like the US has somewhat of a shady reputation, so It’s nice to see what other people like about our country and culture. Even though I’ve lived here my whole life, there are a…
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37 Staples of the 1980s That Make Us Feel Hella Nostalgic
There’s no denying that the 1980s were a fascinating, colorful era in the US. The fashion scene was characterized by big hairdos, excessive makeup, and vivid clothing, and people acted accordingly. Reflecting on the 1980s brings memories of unique fashion,…
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45 Plot Holes and Unresolved Loopholes in Seinfeld That Have Been Bugging Us for Years
Seinfeld is a pop-culture icon. By now, most of us have watched the entirety of the show at least twenty times. Despite its huge commercial success, there are too many disturbing loopholes we can no longer overlook and too many…
65 Abandoned Movie and TV Show Sets That Are Still Standing
Hollywood is like a dream factory where our wildest fantasies come to life. We all grow up watching movies, imagining ourselves in the Wild West, going on epic adventures, or finding true love on-screen. Whether it’s parallel worlds, dystopian futures,…
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34 Things We Inherit from Immediate Family Members
Whether we like it or not, our family tree is a roadmap to our physical and mental traits. While we often look to our ancestors for the origins of our unique characteristics, certain genetic traits can only be inherited from…
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43 Invaluable Cooking Tips Shared By Internet Chefs
If you’ve ever floundered in the kitchen while trying to put together a one-course meal, this article is for you. From funny one-liners to great tips, all home cooks could use a helping hand in the kitchen and a bit…
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45 Storage-Saving Hacks That Will Make Your Home Feel Twice as Spacious
It’s safe to say that everyone’s least favorite thing to do is decluttering. It can be time-consuming, and some of us have difficulty getting rid of things with sentimental value. However, keeping an organized home can do wonders in providing…
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42 Rare and Fascinating Photos from the American Civil War
The Civil War is one of the most pivotal moments in the nation’s history, profoundly shaping its trajectory and identity. Amidst the chaos and conflict, photographers captured images that offer glimpses into the harsh realities faced by soldiers and civilians…
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22 Vintage Items That Are Worth a Lot Today
We all have old toys and different items in the attic or some closet that we can’t bring ourselves to get rid of. Well, it might be time to dust them off and bring them back into the spotlight. Antiques…
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21 Vintage Household Items That Are Worth Their Weight in Gold
Are you still holding on to old items gathering dust in your attic? There’s no shame in that, but it might be time to give them a second chance in the spotlight. As you may or may not know, antiques…
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28 Forgotten Historical Photographs Broughts to Life with Color
We’re all familiar with black-and-white photos, which have long been the primary medium for preserving moments from the past. However, advances in digital technology have given these snapshots of history new life. Iconic historical photographs have been transformed into vivid…
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Unveiling the Fate of Chernobyl’s Animal Inhabitants
The nuclear tragedy that befell Chernobyl in 1986 left much of the region uninhabitable because of radiation poisoning. Turned from a thriving city to a ghost town, nothing lived or grew there for decades until recently. Now, life has slowly…
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Henry Fonda’s Dark Life Was Hollywood’s Biggest Secret
This article was originally published on Starandstyle.com. Meet Henry Fonda, aka “One-Take Fonda,” the guy who always nailed his scenes in Hollywood. But there’s more to him than meets the eye. Sure, he had that smooth charm that could win…
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The Relationships of Sports Stars and Celebrities Throughout the Years
Magic Johnson and Wife Cookie After All These Years Magic Johnson and his wife, Cookie, celebrate 28 years of marriage, a testament to their enduring love. The couple’s journey began in 1991 with a low-key wedding in Lansing, marking the…
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Taking a Look at the Life of Prince Harry, the Royal Who Walked Away
This article was originally published on Techytwist.com Once just a royal kid in the background, Harry Windsor is now the main event. He used to be in the papers for all the wrong reasons, but now that he’s out of…
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Exploring Abandoned TV and Movie Sets: Forgotten Gems of Hollywood’s Past
Hollywood is like a dream factory where our wildest fantasies come to life. We all grow up watching movies, imagining ourselves in the Wild West, going on epic adventures, or finding true love on-screen. Whether it’s parallel worlds, dystopian futures,…
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I Was Today Years Old When I Learned These Facts That I Should’ve Known Decades Ago
Have you ever wondered why eggplants are called eggplants, or why they tell you to break a leg when you’re interviewing for an important job? We take those things for granted and never stop to think about the origin of…
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Facts and Stories from WWII That We Won’t Find in History Books
Ah, WW2, the most famous conflict in modern history that shook the world to its core. To this day we still feel the shockwaves of that time, when all the world was at each other’s throats. We all know the…
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The Most Controversial Award Show Victories of All Time
Step into the spotlight of Hollywood’s grandest affair: the Academy Awards. Each year, the elite Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences bestows coveted Oscars upon standout films and their visionary creators. While these winners ideally evoke admiration, some miss…
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Astonishing Baby Facts That Will Transform Your Parenting Knowledge
Peering into the soft gaze of a newborn, their eyes brimming with unspoken tales, it’s impossible not to be drawn into the enigma they embody. What secrets are nestled behind those delicate lashes? Do they know the touch of their…
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Vintage Items in Everyone’s Homes That Are Worth a Fortune, Ranked From Lowest to Highest Price
Are you wistfully reminiscing about those charming My Little Pony figurines or that beloved Beatles record gathering dust in your attic? Well, it’s time to give them a second chance in the spotlight. Antiques and vintage goodies are all the…
Mind-Blowing Facts About Genetics That Doctors Wish We All Knew
Ah, science. We all love it. Our bodies and the natural world around us are a mystery we continue to strive to unravel, and genetics especially are a fascinating topic to delve into the more time goes on. But what…
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21+ Wild Super Bowl Facts That Most People Probably Don’t Know
The Super Bowl: the biggest spectacle in American sports. Every year, millions of fans gather around their T.V.s to witness the biggest game of the year, enjoy wings and argue with their friends about which commercials are the best. But…
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People Share Strange Disneyland Stories That Have Us Questioning The Happiest Place on Earth
When it comes to Disneyland, everyone knows that it is the happiest place on earth… It is filled with rides, characters, and many delicious treats for people to enjoy. But just because it seems like it all smiles and rainbows…
Let’s Take a Walk Down Memory Lane: These People Share their First-Ever Memories
When it comes to our memories, there are so many different things that our brains keep stored away for a rainy day. Without even realizing it, we have access to so many memories that we don’t even know are there……
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Jimmy Fallon Asked for Funny, Weird Teacher Moments and These Twitter Users Delivered
Do you miss school? We sure don’t. Whether you enjoyed your school years or not, we all know school days can feel like a slog most of the time. Getting up early to go sit at an uncomfortable desk and…
Exploring Taylor Swift’s Love Life: A Timeline of the Artist’s Many Relationships
Despite being tagged as a serial dater, Taylor Swift challenges this perception as “deeply sexist.” While she’s guarded about her relationships, her music often reveals glimpses of her romantic journey. From serious partnerships to casual flings, Swift’s past is a…
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How’s it Holding Up? Participants of Home Renovation Shows Share What Life is Like Post-Show
When it comes to reality television shows, they generally get a bad rap. But there are certain reality television shows that aren’t just about trivial matters like how to find love in a house of 10 people, but rather watching…
Safety Tips to Help Women Keep the Creeps at Bay
Let’s be honest, it isn’t easy being a woman in the 21st century… Sure, there are so many fun distractions, like getting your hair done or buying a new dress, but let’s not ignore the giant pink elephant in the…
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“No Parking in Your Driveway”: Reddit Users Share Wild and Confusing HOA Rules and Regulations
Homeowner associations are organizations that enforce the rules and regulations of a planned community, apartment complex, or tract home development. Typically, members of these communities are required to pay a monthly HOA fee for expenses and amenities. HOAs are supposed to…
People Share Things They’ve Learned Embarrassingly Late in Life But Seem Obvious in Hindsight
Hindsight, they say, is 20/20. Sometimes things become abundantly, painfully clear, but only as we look back at our lives. Maybe it’s our increased maturity and wisdom that opens our eyes to things that should have been obvious. Or maybe…
People Shared the Things They Love Most About the USA and the Answers Caught Us by Surprise
With the Fourth of July coming up, we’ve decided to celebrate with a list of things that people around the world like about the good ol’ USA. As an American who has traversed the globe, it’s nice to see what…
Random Fun Facts That Are Excellent Ice Breakers for Meeting New People
Meeting new people can be difficult, especially if you’re an introvert. Your social anxiety may go through the roof whenever you approach someone new. Just remember – strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. Or, conversely, they’re actually strangers…
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Off The Charts: Graphs That Give Us a Comic Perspective on Everyday Life
There are people who make memes that please the masses, and then there’s this guy, Mr. Matt Surelee. He makes charts about everyday things that nearly every adult alive can relate to, and they’re epic. From coworker small talk situations…
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Disney Employees Spill the Beans About Working at the Happiest Place on Earth
When you hear the phrase “the happiest place on Earth,” what do you immediately think of? If you said Disney, then you’re spot on! Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world travel to visit Disneyland and Disney World…
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People Share Highly Underrated Pieces of Advice
We always seem to be looking for advice on life, relationships, and work. But, do we actually follow the advice we receive? Let’s be honest with ourselves… we usually don’t. We take for granted all of the wise words we…
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Pictures of People on Public Transportation From Around The World That Lack Context
If you take public transportation to and from work every day, you know that you can find a strange crowd on the subway. When it comes to public transportation, you can find all sorts of people from different backgrounds and…
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We’re Pretty Sure it Can’t Get Any Nerdier Than These Memes and Tweets
Once upon a time, “nerdy” was a bad word, a word which meant that you weren’t a kid, you played Dungeons and Dragons, and that you probably didn’t have many friends. But when you get a little older you realize…
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Little-Known Facts and Controversies in Cartoons That Went Over Our Heads
This article was originally published on constative.com Animation isn’t always the whimsical, child-friendly genre that we think it is. Behind the colorful screens lie many controversies and hidden messages. From contentious storylines and deliberate historical inaccuracies to financial and creative…
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Historical Photos That Offer a Unique Perspective on the Past
When reflecting on the past, recalling the exact words heard or read can be challenging at times. Fortunately, when it comes to more recent historical events, we have some assistance. With the advent of the camera, firsthand accounts through historical…
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Hysterical NFL Memes That Non-Football Fans Can Enjoy
This article was originally published on myhealthgazette.com While we love watching NFL games, we totally get that it’s not for everyone. This is a real shame, though, since the entire league is one big pot of meme material – not…
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25+ Fotos raras que son sencillamente increíbles
Desde la creación de la cámara, la fotografía ha inmortalizado la historia a lo largo de las generaciones, dando lugar a la captura de innumerables momentos en miles de millones de imágenes. Entre ellas, se encuentran fotografías singulares que, a…
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Hollywood Celebrities and Their Religious Beliefs
Hollywood often gets a bad rap for being a realm driven by wealth, seemingly devoid of spiritual depth or divine connection. Yet, against the common narrative, there exist celebrities who’ve managed to keep their faith unshaken amid the glitz and…
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These Entitled Moms Want it All, and They Want it Now
There is nothing quite like having an argument on Facebook with an entitled mother who thinks she is deserving of everything and more just for existing. Sure, moms are incredible and constantly have to deal with annoying things… But hey,…
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All Aboard the Confessions Cruise: Mishaps That Happened on Different Cruises
Like any job, there are secrets to every trade… And when it comes to working on a cruise ship, there are many secrets. Perhaps you have never given much thought to what it means to be a cruise ship worker,…
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Take a Glimpse Into Different Music and Lifestyle Festivals Throughout The Ages
When thinking about letting loose, dancing till midnight, and living without a care in the world, music and lifestyle festivals are what come to mind. Every year at different times, there is a bunch of very famous music and lifestyle…
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These Power Moves Prove That There Isn’t Anything Women Can’t Do
For a long time, many people have doubted women’s ability, tenacity, and drive. And although there are still many people that do, in 2023 we can say that not only are women more than capable of creating their own destiny,…
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People Who’ve Worked in the Food Industry Share What Dishes They Never Dare Order
If you’ve ever worked as a waiter, line cook, or dishwasher, you know the food industry can be tough. Long hours of standing, grueling routines, and rude customers can leave employees feeling underpaid and exhausted. Truthfully, many employees survive rough…
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25+ Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Dawn Dish Soap
In every home, a bottle of dish soap is a staple. After all, how else would you clean your pots and pans? While dish soap efficiently tackles the task of washing dirty dishes, its utility extends beyond kitchen cleanup. It…
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These People Took to Twitter to Vent About Parenting
As great as kids are, no one ever said having children is a walk in the park… Whether it’s one child or more, raising any kid comes with a whole set of unpredictable rules. As much as we’d like to…
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Homeowners Share Their Wild Stories, and We’re Here to Learn from Their Bad Investments
Owning a house is a lifelong dream for many people across the country. However, the journey towards owning proprietary is not easy and calm. From crocky real estate agents to ludicrous HOAs and even paranormal activity, homeowners have gone through…
Open House: Real Estate Agents Share Their Juicy, Comical, and Ludicrous Stories
Everyone knows that being a realtor is hard work. The market is crazier than ever, and so are buyers. It’s not an easy career, and anyone who chooses to become a realtor is one tough cookie! Of course, it has…
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From Unhinged to Hilarious, Here Are All the Unpopular Opinions That Divided the Internet
Do you have ideas and beliefs that go against the conventional status quo? Like an idea you know many people won’t like because it sounds like the ‘tough truth’ everyone is scared to tell? Well, you’re not alone! Thanks to…
Two Sides to Every Story: These News Stories Are Not as Wholesome as We’d Like to Think
The world is a crazy place, I think we can all agree on that. But every now and then, among the soul-wrenching news, we are reminded of wholesome stories that fill our hearts with hope. After all, who among us…
Trust Your Gut or Regret It Later — Unmissable Success Stories That Prove Why
Have you ever had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right? Maybe you decided to wait a few minutes to leave the house or drive to work on a different route, then later heard about an accident… These gut feelings…
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Fashion Fails That Have Left the Internet Confused
Step into the world of fashion, where trends come and go and style is constantly evolving. In the mesmerizing world of style and glamour, where trends come and go, there is an undeniable truth: fashion fails are the circus acts…
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