If you have a child, you might have experienced your toddler throwing a tantrum once or twice. It can be absolutely humiliating when you are out in public, but sadly it is a part of their growth. Between the ages of 1 to 4, children are still trying to learn the concept of coping skills. So instead of assessing and working through a situation they just have a meltdown instead. But in that I will share some ways to deal with toddler tantrums to try and make it easier for you and your child.
When you see your toddler start to throw a tantrum it is hard not to have a meltdown as well. Follow these tips below and see if one or more ways can help calm the situation fast and possible make it to where your child has less of a meltdown next time. The biggest thing for the parent is to stay calm during a tantrum. Make sure that you keep your cool, because if you begin to get upset, it can cause your toddlers meltdown to get worse.
Taming Toddler Meltdowns
Hitting: Ever seen or experienced first-hand your toddler lashing out and hitting or kicking the parent?! This is something that does happen more often than not. Here are some tips to dealing with this.
When your child hits, take him/her away from the situation at hand. If you are holding them put them down, and step back.
If your child is old enough then take them to time out, so they can start to learn that is not right.
Next once your child has had a few minutes in time out, go to them and explain that they can not hit or bite anyone.
Offer a loving hug if they want it. If they are not ready, tell them that when they are ready they can come get a hug. When they do give you a hug, say again that hitting is not allowed, and they shouldn’t do that.
Give Space: When your child is in full meltdown mode, just walk away and give them a little space. Sometimes if they cry it out for a little bit, they will feel better. It helps your child learn to vent in a nondestructive way. Just like adults sometimes a good cry is all you need. After a few minutes you can go in and see if they are wanting attention from you, and you can try and talk through their meltdown.
Fits over Sharing: This is one that all kids will experience. Toddlers struggle with the concept of sharing. It is very important to try your best to instill that sharing is very important.
Practice at home on sharing when you can, to try and prevent it.
If your child does throw a tantrum, take them away from the situation for a few minutes. Come back and offer a different toy for your child to play with, and remind them they have to share and take turns.
You can ask your child to find a different toy to play with, and when the other child is done playing they can have that toy.
Distraction: If you have a child that is starting to fall apart, try and create a distraction. If you are out try and show them something to catch their attention and make them forget about their meltdown. I like to offer a snack, as most of the time when tantrums start, your child is probably hungry or tired. Or I like to say, “Oh wow did you see that bird or dog”. Sometimes creating a diversion is all you need and the meltdown subsides.
Meltdown at Naps: Making sure your little one gets a nap is so important, because you know they are tired and need sleep, but sometimes fight it. This is one that is hard to overcome, but hopefully you can find a method to make it easier.
Look at when you lay them down: Make sure that they are not over tired when nap time starts or maybe not tired yet. Try to find a time that works for your child. I know that some kids are over tired and then they fight sleeping because they are over tired. If it is really hard try playing with different nap times to see if that helps.
If your child throws a tantrum, just be consistent that they need a nap. Don’t give in over and over or they will learn that throwing a fit causes them to get out of a nap. Just try working with them to sleep. Try for 45 minutes to an hour before you throw in the towel.
If your child absolutely refuses a nap, then consider doing quiet time. This can be reading a book, or just laying down relaxing. It can be where your child is growing out of taking naps, and quiet time can be a good alternative.
About the Author:
Kelsey is a freelance writer for bloggers! A country girl from Kansas, who enjoys spending time with family! You can see what Kelsey has available for content in her Facebook Group.