During the days of raising a teen you will find that your once talkative child now has a bit of silence. Most questions are answered with the shrug of a shoulder or a simple one word reply. The teen years are difficult for both the parents and the teenager.
There is good news though, these trying times don’t last forever and if you adhere to a few positive parenting tricks then you and your teen should survive this stage.

Positive Parenting Tips for Raising Teens
Choose your Battles Wisely
These days’ parents must fight with technology which brings teenagers closer to stranger danger than ever before. It’s difficult to find that proper balance between rules that encourage safety and rules derived from paranoia. So as long as your teenager hasn’t given you a reason to not trust them, give them more trust and space to figure out whom they are and what they enjoy.
Give all of your teen’s friends a chance
Most parents have enough experience to know which kids are good ones and which ones are headed down a bad path. While you may know one kid that’s friends with your teen is a bad apple, your teen doesn’t quite see it this way. Learn to embrace all friendships your teenager has by opening your home to these friends. Sometimes a bad apple can turn into a good apple simply by being around a more positive environment.
Parents must really learn to work together
Many families are split up these days so teens are caught living with one parent and possibly a step parent while their other parent is merely someone they visit. Often times the parent who sees the teen less have more lenient rules. Learn to work with your co-parent on a middle ground where you both can be united in rules and discipline structure. Teenagers do need some freedom but setting boundaries with firm consequences are a must to keep them safe and in check.
Always have a game plan for bad decisions
Your teen is still your underage child and requires parental supervision to some level. Consider having a code word that your teen can text you when they realize they’ve made a bad decision. This allows you to come save them from the situation without them risking ridicule by their peers. While it is important to your teen to have freedom it’s just as important to know that you will be there, no questions asked when they need to be saved from a bad decision.
Remember that you once were a teenager too
When parenting a teenager it’s best to let go of the desire to want your teen to be better than you and have more options than you ever had. Raising your teenager means that you have a child who is under your care and direction, it’s time to step up and be a parent without any thoughts of your regrettable past. Your teenager deserves to have a life free of the past that haunts you, so be sure you are parenting your teen based on hearing who they are and what they feel they need.
Be There for your Teen with Unconditional Love
Last but certainly not least, just be there to hear your teen out. Often times if a parent stays quiet long enough when their teen is rambling on for hours, they will hear how their child actually talks themselves into a positive direction. Sometimes all our teenagers need from us is to know that we are always here for them even during those times they make bad decisions. A parent’s job is to love unconditionally, the teenage years will test this theory but reality is it’s just your past demons and your emotions that get in the way of expressing that unconditional love.
Work towards a positive parenting approach with your teenager and see how much change happens in the next few weeks, you may be surprised!