We all might fear the day our teens or tweens might not confide in us when things are going wrong in their life, or they are struggling. Some kids always talk to their parents, and have a very open relationship, while others distance themselves.
I want to do my very best that my children will have confidence in my relationship with them, that they can trust that no matter what, I will listen, love them unconditionally and be their to help them through the struggle!
Below are some strategies to help encourage your child to confide in you! These are not a guarantee, but it wouldn’t hurt trying in hopes to get them to stay open or open up to you in the future.
5 Tips for Communications Between Parent and Child
I think the tips below are great for starting as young as possible and then as they grow, they will learn to trust and lean on you! Granted you can’t have a deep conversation with a two year old, but you can build a strong foundation so that when the day comes, they can come to you for advice, an ear to listen, or support!
Loving and Calm
When your child, tween or teen gets in trouble, be loving and calm. Don’t just instantly get upset and begin yelling or saying how disappointed you are. Come to them in a loving and calm manner. Listen to what they are saying to you, and work through things in a calm way. The calmer you are, the more they will come to you for any situation. If they know you will get upset and yell, they will be less likely to confide in you.
Make sure that if your child comes to you to talk about any situation, feel free to give real advice. Don’t just give therapist style advice, but be a real person that they can connect with. If your child is struggling at school with a bully, don’t just rush to talk the principal. Hear out what your child is saying, and truly listen and give advice.
Be Open
Make sure your child/teen can talk to you about anything. No topic is ever off the table. Make sure they know that no matter what they can talk, even if it is embarrassing for them. Try to let them know that you always have an open door policy. That if they are struggling, get a bad grade in school, having a bad day and need to talk, you are always there. No judgement, just to listen and help them work through the issue.
Pay Attention
Make sure that you are watching their moods, and behavior. If you see they are acting off, make sure to reach out to them to see how they are. Just make sure that you are paying attention to the signs, so that if they are going through something, you ask, they might tell you.
One-On-One Time
Making sure that you spend one-on-one time with your child. If you have multiple children, make sure to find time for each. It can be as simple as an ice cream date, just make sure they know you love and make time for them. Building an intimate relationship is a great foundation. Start this even at an early age, and continue it as they grow! Even older kids look for love and quality time from their parents.
These five simple steps can get you far in a relationship with your child. Start showing them love and support young and continue as they grow. Always tell them no matter what they can come to you, and make sure you stay calm and listen to what they are saying. Cool, calm and collected, when they do come to you, will make them feel more at ease to come to you in the future.
About the Author
Kelsey is a freelance writer for bloggers! A country girl from Kansas, who enjoys spending time with family! You can see what Kelsey has available for content in her Facebook Group.