Since so many schools have shut down across the states, it's important that parents have resources to educate their kids. I've created a list of early education books for kids that you can use all year round. These early education books are a fun way to educate your little ones while you're stuck home from work or school. Each of the books was handpicked by little ole me to … [Read more...] about Early Education Books for Kids
are you ready to be a parent
Teaching Kids About Feelings
It’s important to teach kids about feelings but it can be a difficult task for any parent. Today we’re featuring a fun book that will provide you with a book to help teach kids about feelings. The ABC of Feelings book will help guide your kids forward in learning more about their emotions. All About The ABC of Feelings Book Bonnie … [Read more...] about Teaching Kids About Feelings
Time Outs and Other Consequences Do Teach Lessons
I'll admit when I first became a mother I read all of the baby books. I read parenting books. I followed motherhood "rules" to a T. I thought these books were the guiding light of when to feed solid foods, what my child could or couldn't do, what I should or shouldn't do as a mother. I believed it all. Now, some of the parenting books I read enlightened me. These books taught … [Read more...] about Time Outs and Other Consequences Do Teach Lessons
A Parent’s Personality Can Clash
As a parent, I believe that consistency, mutual respect, and healthy boundaries work together to create a healthy home environment for a child to thrive in. Just as we have to learn our child, our child needs to learn us. How we teach our child to learn us is through being consistent, having limits and setting healthy expectations. These expectations are also rules that have … [Read more...] about A Parent’s Personality Can Clash
Building Your Brood: How To Prepare For Your Second Child
Adjusting to parenthood can be a tough task, but the challenge becomes even more difficult when you introduce a new addition to the mix. Going from one child to two brings a series of changes, and it’s important for you as a parent to adapt to having two kids as well as being there to help your first-born get used to life as a big brother or sister. If you have a child and … [Read more...] about Building Your Brood: How To Prepare For Your Second Child
Days Out That Really Are Fun For ALL The Family!
It can often feel as though whenever you come across something that is designed to be fun "for all the family" that it's actually just designed to keep the kids entertained and will almost certainly result in parents sitting around ready to fall asleep at any moment. This applies to films, games, toys, activities, and just about anything else. Of course, there's not always … [Read more...] about Days Out That Really Are Fun For ALL The Family!
4 Household Items That Can Be Fixed Surprisingly Quickly
Image by Pixabay We live in a disposable society. The relatively cheap cost of technologies that would have shocked and wowed just a few decades have rendered many of the products we use on a regular basis so readily replaceable that we assume it’s quicker and easier to replace them than to repair them. The trouble with this mode of thought however, is that not only is … [Read more...] about 4 Household Items That Can Be Fixed Surprisingly Quickly
The Greatest Gadgets For Parents With Babies
Image credit Nobody ever said being a parent was easy, but why did they have to put the most difficult part right at the start of a journey? Having a baby is a baptism of fire for a parent, especially when dealing with their first. It’s a steep learning curve filled with sleepless nights and desperately trying to negotiate with a tiny person who seems to want.... Something, … [Read more...] about The Greatest Gadgets For Parents With Babies
Dealing With Death: What To Do When A Family Member Passes Away
(Image via: Death is one of the only constants in life, this is both sad and true. We don’t like thinking about it, we don’t like talking about it, and this inevitably leads to us struggling to cope with it. When a family member dies, it will be heartbreaking for everyone. But, it’s even worse when you’re totally unprepared for everything that … [Read more...] about Dealing With Death: What To Do When A Family Member Passes Away
When You’re Feeling Stretched Thin it is Time to Take a Moment for Yourself
Appointments, practice, carpooling, shopping, reminding, cooking, cleaning, consoling - a mother’s work is never done. Sure, it’s rewarding to finally hear a “Thanks, Mom!” or see your little ones grow into full-fledged individuals ready to slowly take responsibility for their daily lives. A REAL Break But in the meantime, start thinking about your birthday, or Mother’s … [Read more...] about When You’re Feeling Stretched Thin it is Time to Take a Moment for Yourself
Tech Hobbies To Encourage In Your Kids Technology gets a lot of stick when it comes to its relationship with your kids. OK, so sure, there are some bad points to consider, but if you are a Luddite in these modern times, I’m afraid to say there’s no doubt your children are missing out. Technology gives them a whole bunch of fantastic opportunities, which you or I may not have had when we were kids. Let’s … [Read more...] about Tech Hobbies To Encourage In Your Kids
The Truth About Having A Second Child When you have a baby for the first time, there’s no doubt it’s a life-changing experience - but you haven’t seen anything yet! Your second child is a vastly different experience, in more ways than one, and there are some surprising truths that no one else seems to tell you. So, if you are expecting your second child, or planning on making one, read on! Here are … [Read more...] about The Truth About Having A Second Child
The Importance Of Protecting Your Home From The Elements
Pexels What is the reason you own a home for? Is it to provide loving experiences, shared by all your family members? Is it so you have a place to house all of your belongings? Is it so you have a place to lay your head at night, so you can comfortably sleep and begin the next day refreshed? Or, is it to protect yourself as a shelter from the elements outside? Of course, … [Read more...] about The Importance Of Protecting Your Home From The Elements
3 Bulk Purchases Necessary For Any Family Holiday When you travel as a family, there’s always a lot of luggage involved. There are so many supplies for you and the kids, it can feel like you have to start your packing at least a month before your departure date. As a result, the idea of bulk numbers of items probably isn’t welcome. Nevertheless, there are a few … [Read more...] about 3 Bulk Purchases Necessary For Any Family Holiday
3 Tricks For Weaning Off The Pacifier
Image Source One of the best comforts for a tiny, crying baby is a pacifier. Baby needs comfort, Mom needs sleep; it’s a no brainer that a pacifier is probably one of the best tools in the parental box of tricks. It’s your child’s first love and as with anything, breaking up is hard to do! The pacifier has provided you with hours of quiet while the baby soothes themselves into … [Read more...] about 3 Tricks For Weaning Off The Pacifier
3 Ways To Exercise With Kids In Tow
Picture Credits It can be hard to find the time to do many things when you’re a parent, not least working out and sticking to an exercise regime. However, there have been developments over the years that have meant that children are able to get involved in the exercise that we’re doing - even if they’re not having to do it themselves. But just how do we do it, especially when … [Read more...] about 3 Ways To Exercise With Kids In Tow
Should You Let Your Kids Choose Their Own Clothes?
Every parent has had an argument with their kids about their clothes. There are always going to be clashes because young children don’t always have practicality in mind. They’ll also want you to buy them expensive designer clothes but when they come home covered in mud after a week, it’s not sustainable. While you shouldn’t be letting them do whatever they like, giving them a … [Read more...] about Should You Let Your Kids Choose Their Own Clothes?
5 Tips to Boost Toddler’s Speech
It is so fun when your toddler begins to say their first words. Then as they grow even bigger their gibber-gabber will turn into full words. Between the ages of 2 and 3 kids can really begin to pick up words faster, and you will hear them chattering away. We as parents have a huge impact on our child's language and speech skills! Today I am going to share tips to boost your … [Read more...] about 5 Tips to Boost Toddler’s Speech
Ways to Raise a Happier Child
I think as parents we want our children to grow up to be the best version of themselves. Being a happy, loving, kind, determined child. I have seen over the years that every child has their own personality that begins to bloom as they grow up. Some are just happy from the get go and smile non-stop, while others might be a bit quieter or shy. Here are some tips to keep your … [Read more...] about Ways to Raise a Happier Child
Life Skills Every Child Needs to Learn
Life skills are something we as parents need to take the time to teach our children! I have created a list of life skill that we need to teach them as they grow up and hit the appropriate ages to learn. Life skills are tools your child needs to know to be successful in life, they don't teach all of these skills at school! Some of the skills is knowing how to do laundry, … [Read more...] about Life Skills Every Child Needs to Learn
Run Out Of Ideas? New Ways To Make Exercise More Fun For Kids
In this day and age, it can be really difficult to tear kids away from TV screens and tablets. With summer finally here, it’s a perfect time to try and get your children more involved in exercise, and to ensure they have fun when they’re on the go. If you’ve run out of ideas and you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle against a games console, here are some new ways to … [Read more...] about Run Out Of Ideas? New Ways To Make Exercise More Fun For Kids
How to Adjust to Hаvіng a Nеwbоrn Bаbу
Thе аddіtіоn оf a bаbу to a family brings joy, wоndеr, аnd dеlіght. It аlѕо brіngѕ сhаngеѕ, ѕоmе аntісіраtеd -- lіkе fоrmulа аnd diapers -- аnd ѕоmе completely unexpected. Even thе mоѕt іnfоrmеd parents mау be tаkеn аbасk at thе hugе іmрасt thеіr tіnу bundle hаѕ оn thеіr lіvеѕ. Besides the рrоfоund affесt a newborn саn hаvе on thе parents' relationship, thеу have to соре wіth … [Read more...] about How to Adjust to Hаvіng a Nеwbоrn Bаbу
6 Commitments of A Great Parent
When you take on having a child, your life gets put on the back burner. It is our duty as parents to raise our child the best way possible, to prepare them for the world! Parents sometimes sacrifice their own time, so you can spend it helping and teaching, and loving your little one! Below are commitments of great parents. These commitments are a choice, and you can choose to … [Read more...] about 6 Commitments of A Great Parent
Are you too Selfish to be a Parent?
It’s happened, you’re pregnant. Congratulations! While you may not be feeling excited about this new journey in your life, there’s lots of good that comes from becoming a parent. As a mom of three, I can tell you it’s the most exhausting yet rewarding job I have ever had and I feel blessed to have a … [Read more...] about Are you too Selfish to be a Parent?
Are you the Parental Type?
One thing I have learned since becoming a parent is that your mood, your actions and your way of life will determine how your kids behave, think and respond from a young age. Being a parent is one of the most selfless jobs one will ever hold but it’s not for everyone. I think some people are in love with the idea of becoming a parent. They see it as they will do better than … [Read more...] about Are you the Parental Type?