When we were kids, cartoons were a source of entertainment and a way to get away from real life and school. We enjoyed them to no end, and never noticed how strange they really are. Only as you get older, you start to realize that not everything you see on cartoons makes sense. In fact, many situations completely defy regular logic and common sense, that it becomes comical. While that may be the very point of it, we thought it would be fun to see just how crazy cartoon logic can get! Let’s take a look at some of the examples.
Look Ma, No Pants!
Donald Duck may be everyone’s favorite Disney duck but have you ever taken a good look at his outfit? Like, really taken a look? He always had a blue sailor shirt on but never any pants and it didn’t seem to bother him except on certain occasions. As Chandler Bing pointed out on Friends, Donald was usually fine walking around pantless so why did he put a towel around his waist when he came out of the shower?
What’s the logic behind that? According to one Twitter user, it’s because pants would interfere with the production of preen oil which is created in a gland in the rump, that would make his feathers water-resistant.