Boomers, step aside. Millennial parents are doing their best to keep their game face on while dealing with everything that has happened in the world in the last 30 years. From funny quips to excellent advice, this Twitter feed is here to help. One significant difference between Boomers and Millennials? Dads are just as much in the thick of things and willing to share what they’ve learned! So sit back, laugh, take note of a few techniques and insights shared by millennial parents, and most importantly, enjoy the following tweets and memes!
#1: Responsible
What Emily here describes is all part of being an adult. We can do whatever we want, and for some reason, that equals being super responsible and taking care of ourselves. It’s a real travesty. I remember the first time I truly realized I was an adult. I was sitting there lamenting my lack of cake.
A lightbulb went off above my head, and my brain went: “You can get in your car right now, drive to Publix, and get cake. You can do whatever you want!” So, I did exactly that. I ate that cake in my living room and even left a crumb as a testament to my freedom. Being able to eat cake whenever you want is maybe the biggest (and only) perk of being an adult.