How often have we told ourselves that if only time machines existed, we would’ve bought them and gone to the past—– because we know full well how cool it was back then. Socializing with people, playing and having fun outdoors, not being distracted by electronic devices, and generally just being simple and happy are only a few of the cool things you can find if you go back to the past. While we understand that time machines are pretty much an impossibility, there is, however, a form of reliving the past: photos! And whose perspectives are the best to use in order to relive the amazing memories that have passed?: Our parents! With this thought, we have perused the internet to find children posting their parents’ pictures taken in the past and flexing how cool they are. So, be prepared to smile, maybe cry, feel the heat, or get jealous, as these are photos of parents’ cool pasts!
Sk8r Mom
“You’re just a sk8er, mom. I said you are cooler, mom”. Isn’t this awesome as hell? I bet when her son or daughter discovered this photo, he or she just instantly became jealous. I know of no person, man or woman, who wouldn’t be jealous of this gorgeous woman skating with a smile, using only one of her feet!
All in all, this photo is just super badass on so many levels. A banana board is already hard to use in and of itself. But with only one foot? It’s just insane. Another thing that adds to the insanity of this mom’s skateboarding skills is the fact that she is barefooted. Oh, before I forget—- did I mention that she looks like Madonna?